Service Guarantee:
What is our service guarantee and why do we guarantee it?
We guarantee to provide our loyal clients 24 hour communication via phone, e-mail, and or text. When you are dealing with a company you need to be able to get a hold of that company or get return communication within 24 hors. When we cannot get a hold of other professionals such as, real estate agents, title officers, escrow workers, mortgage and lending professionals, banks and lending institutions, inspectors, appraiser we get very frustrated. When we leave messages or send e-mails and do not get a return communication within a day it reflects poorly on them. We do not like doing business that way so we don't expect you as our client to wait long for communication either. There are too many tools now a days so this is not an excuse. If we cannot get an answer for you immediately we'll at least call you back within 24 hours to let you know we are still awaiting an answer.
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